a love letter

You may have someone who makes you motivated for doing anything, even the impossibilities. Even things you really hate but you have to do Not parents, family or friends, just stranger. Maybe your childhood friend, classmate, your senior, or, just completely stranger? They/he/she did not do anything to you (even they did not know that you exist). But their/his/her presence did. It means a lot to you. ........ By seeing he just pass (on a nice day, in the hall of school) in front of you , with the laughter, or while he talking with his friends. Or by just read his tweets, about his daily life, funny things, and his favorite bands. Those things are something to you. You will stare, you will pay attention. .......... You may thank them for what he did, that makes you happy. You grown up, stronger, and passionate more in life. Hope you do good now. You supposed to graduated this year right? Arctic monkeys, Coldplay, The Smiths, Oas...